Group Blog- Teamwork!

    For the first assignment of the year, I am working with my classmate, 11th grader Sola! I decided to work in this group because I felt it would be interesting to collab with someone. Bouncing off of each other's thoughts and ideas, and working together to create new ones, will be a worthwhile experience. Along with just getting another perspective on the work you create. I feel there are so many things you can learn simply by just speaking to the people around you. Additionally, I think working with a partner can benefit me in other ways. Sometimes I can be a bit of a procrastinator, so having something to hold me accountable and work at my best always makes a difference. Looking back at the first day I walked into this class, I remember feeling somewhat overwhelmed. There were so many people, and not many I knew. Everyone already seemed to have people around them, and I was immediately nervous about any upcoming group work. It was then that I decided I would just work alone. Then, I could completely avoid the stress and trouble altogether. It's true, I tell myself that I "work better alone". But I don't think that's really the case, rather I just get anxious having to work with others. However, when the time came last week, and our teachers had discussed our first big project of the year, I had a change of heart. Rather than avoiding these situations, it's always best to just try something else, because why not? In life, there will always be times you need to work with others, and experience will always be a benefit! I made the decision that I would be working with someone, and I was very excited when Sola said yes. So far this year I haven't talked to many other people in this class. So, it was nice to have a partner for our commercial project. I'm already looking forward to what our project will turn out to be. 

Twice the creativity, and twice the productivity, will make for a great video!


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