Planning for my Coca-Cola Commercial

 The time has come! Later this week, I will be filming my Coca-Cola commercial. 

For the film equipment, I will be filming on my phone, and using a tripod when necessary. This will be for shots of the bottle, but for all other parts, I want a more natural-looking shot! In these cases, I would be filming by hand. 

In preparation, I will need to gather the product itself. My plan is to use those bottles with the names on them, and create something interesting with that! I also would prefer those fancy glass bottles, as I think they would look a lot more attractive on camera. Another want is a cooler with ice, like in the gif I've once attached to another blog, to best show off the product, condensation, and all that.

The location of this shoot is going to be my backyard, all outdoors! In my research, I saw Coca-Cola films most of their commercials outdoors, so I feel it is imperative I do the same. My commercial will feature my pool, lawn chairs and tables, and other summery things. This way I can achieve that same vibe those "Coke gives life" advertisements push (shown below!)

The natural sun will be crucial for that friendly, warm feel of their usual commercials. For this reason, the shoot will need to be during the afternoon. I want to film sometime near 5 o'clock when the sun gets less bright, but it's still nice and orange in the sky. Due to some other events that have come up (i.e. the mounds of homework I have to deal with...), the shoot will take place this weekend, Saturday! The benefits of filming on the weekend, all my siblings are available. That night, when I am editing, I may notice mistakes. So on Sunday, I can reshoot and make any corrections required.

I hope that with this plan set out, the day of filming will be a breeze.


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