Minor Setbacks

 The deadline for the music video project is approaching. I was actually planning on filming in the past few days, but things haven't quite worked out. Main problem: just my procrastination! But there's been a few other loose threads to sort out before I start actually filming.

For one, I now have doubts about my whole music video premise. Speaking to classmates, many are doing very extravagant things. Filming at interesting places, many actors, whole storylines, etc. Meanwhile, my project is just me filmed in my bedroom. I will not change the storyboard or premise though. Not only because the deadline is just a week away, but I think my video will be unique. But with the amount of times I've been listening to my song selection, it's safe to say I am now sick of this one too! However, creating a whole story with a single setting and actor, with minimal editing will create a video that is different from the rest. Actually, that last line is not entirely true. There will be one other actor for the scene where a hand is reaching out, my sibling. 

Another setback is the tripod. I can no longer buy one, so I will have to work without one. Tripods would make every shot ten times more convenient, shooting will still be possible. For the sunset timelapse, I'm going to prop my phone up on a floor lamp which gives proper angles. This lamp will also be used for the birds eye view. The bendable arms allow me to angle the phone downwards, which will come in handy for any thing that needs to be shot from a higher perspective. Another change I made is changing the speed of my song selection. The original tune is very slow, and to convey a higher energy work, it will be sped up by 1.2! It also means I can fit a whole other line of lyrics, meaning I will have to go back to storyboarding to work up some new scenes. 

After blogging my thoughts the filming process is feeling less daunting. We will see how everything goes next update!


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