Revisions in Storyboard

The last blog, I talked about my new song choice! With a new song, it may seem like my old storyboard is now useless. But I’ve concluded that I can still make use of most of it. Anti-Hero and Sinking are both different songs, but their theme is practically the same. Lyrics talk about topics like insecurity, loneliness, and isolation. Since both songs are so similar, I want to reuse most of the old ideas!
Here is my revised storyboard for the music video.

“Every night, think of things I can’t do, or haven’t done.”
In a choice I hope will come off creatively, this scene will first show a recorded movie I am watching. It will feature friends running around and having adventures. The camera will cut to me alone. Then, a shot of me replicating the movie scene with action figures. 

“And does it make me weak?”
“Sometimes like I can’t breathe”
This scene will first show me trying to do homework, but then tearing the paper up. I will then be shown looking out the window to the outdoors.

“Is that all you see in me?”
Since the lyrics talk about seeing things in me, I want to record a shot in the mirror. The logistics have not been figured out, but I want to be shown just assessing my reflection. It’s important I make sure the camera is not in the shot.

“Don’t you wait for something more”
Ambitiously, this shot will be a Timelapse of the sun going down. This represents loneliness and the passing of time described in the song.

“I’ll still be sinking to the floor”
This scene will be a timelapse of me moving around my bedroom. The shot will be at a bird's eye angle to add variety to the shots.

"Oh you can't help me"
In this shot, I will be standing against a door! In the background, a hand will reach out to me from the corner. The lighting will be yellow to indicate happiness and warmth.

"Now I'm all alone"
I will be shown looking away from the hand. The lighting turns blue and now I will be shown alone. The angle will change and I will be looking down.

"Outside is getting colder"
A close-up shot of the candle is shown from the window previously. This will connect the two scenes.

"Why does it feel like I'm older, than I asked to be"
First, a close-up of a birthday card will be seen. I will open it, then after the shot will change. Next, a zoom-in of a baby picture will convey feelings of fading youth.


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