Movie Conventions Research: A Quiet Place II

 A Quiet Place Part II, 2020, directed by John Krasinki

My last movie pick to look into is the 2020 film, A Quiet Place Part II. This film was a huge commercial success and the sequel to one of my all time favorite horror films. It differs from the previous two films because the film features a fantastical creature. Not all horror films are simply about slashers and murderers, but non-human species also make their way into the genre. Researching this movie will help in my creation process because my chosen pitch will include a non-human “monster” so to say. Now, let us look into the opening sequence of the film.

• What elements (Conventions) of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

One element of the horror-thriller genre that is present here is the use of tracking shots. Characters are followed by the camera as they complete actions. This following not only creates a sense of being followed for the characters, but at the same time puts us into their position. Following a subject, we are immersed into their actions, even possibly feeling fear and terror that they are experiencing. Another convention present is the use of eyeliner match shots. As the scene picks up in the second half and our characters are running from a threat, we get many of these. Characters will be shown from a medium close up angle reacting to something, usually with terror, and then the audience is clued into that they are seeing with an eyeline match. The last convention, which is what we also saw with our other two examples is the uses of sound. Most scenes are kept nearly silent besides for the sparse dialogue. This choice builds tension. Krasinki will then break this silence with a sharp sound effect, usually diagetic as the character scan hear it too. This sound break is followed by noisy, full scenes.

• What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that you like?

The convention I liked most in this scene was its use of sounds. “The Quiet Place” series is known for its use of sound, as that sense is the main element of horror in the movies. Both movies maintain a deafening silence throughout, creating an extremely uneasy mood to the films. It’s only every so often that the silence is sharply broken to reveal a scream, creak, or even roar. These movies are so unique in the sense that sound IS the horror. It is the villain, it is what the characters are fighting against. This work so well at building anxiety in viewers I want to borrow techniques of Krasinki’s into m6 short opening sequence. Many cuts will have no dialogue or sound, just a slow ambient noise and subtle digetic sounds from the surrounding set. This will be cut into by bangs, crashes, and yells, as the audience senses reach a peak and they feel that rush of terror, no longer a lingering fear.

• What elements (Conventions) of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?

One convention of this genre I will not follow is its use of costume, props, and special effects used to create the “monsters” of the film. While using non-sensical creatures is a simple way to instill fear in audiences, I am more interested creating that terror in other ways. My main inspiration for my horror film will be taking elements from the thriller genre. I want to create fear through camera movements, sound, lighting, and more, rather than through someone in a monster costume. Like I’ve analyzed in my favorite horror movie, “Us”, scaring viewers in this way can be much more artistically unique and has more depth. There will be a slight use of makeup for the creation of the zombie affect one of my actors will be wearing, but besides for that there will be no cheesy monsters in my film.


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