Planning Blog: location, participants, health, schedule, and more!

 Now that I’ve laid out my script, I feel a lot more relieved into production! Since the start of this final task my mind has been muddled about what I would actually like to create, but as script planning has finished I can move on to the smaller things. This being, well, more planning. But for the more trivial things, all to get the opening film sequence together.

First, the matter of actors must be figured out. I am working on this final task project alone, meaning my actors must come from outside the class! There are only two characters, and due to difficult schedule planning, it wouldn’t be ideal to have any friends work with me. So, my solution is to have myself play the main girl character, and my younger brother play, well, the brother character. Casting my younger brother is obviously most workable since he will be available at all times, which will come in handy for reshoots if any issues with footage arise. Additionally, we are siblings! We fit each role best.

Then comes setting. The most obvious choice for setting is my home. It has all the rooms required, and we can work in it anytime. Parts of my house that will be used for set in my kitchen, the hallway, the bathroom, and a bedroom. The bedroom of choice will be my older sister’s. It had the best lighting with windows all around, and it’s de cluttered state will make it easy to maneuver the tripod and actors around. All hallways scenes are something g I feel I need to practice with, using the camera, before shooting day comes. It is a dark and tight space, which for the setting of a horror movie, feels true to the genre. However, with my limited equipment filming useable shots there may prove difficult. Sometime before I get to shooting, I will practice there with the camera and work out these small issues.

The last matter of planning is schedule. Based on given due dates. I believe the best day to film will be March 10th. This day is a Friday less than two weeks from now. This gives me time to gather any props and makeup I will be needing, as well as to finalize my script, getting the dialogue and lines ready. Filming on a Friday works so I can then review footage on the 11th, then film any needed reshoots on the 12th while my actor is still available.

With that, final planning has been complete! Last comes title design, but until then I can move into production feeling prepared to create my opening title sequence.


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