Title Research: Art of the Title Website


     Title researching for my final task project has begun! The first website I decided to check out was "Art of the Titles." I first assumed this would be a website of just title scenes, but after a look around saw this website gave the full beginning sequences to hundreds of popular films. Clicking on "title sequences", a scroll through the available titles showed me the differences between different film genres. Even without knowing the plot of these films, you can distinguish genre simply from the look of the title screen. Dramas like "Leopard Skin" and "The White Lotus" had a bold simple titles, with an elegant font. Meanwhile, horror films like "Antebellum" and "Ratched" were written in a cursive font with a black background, creating an ominous overall tone. Another convention I noticed was films title sequences matching the time period of where the films were set. "Pearl" a film set in the rural 70s uses a very retro and antique tone to really drive the setting into viewers' minds. 

    Exploring this website, I took extra note of the horror films included. I've distinguished similarities among these films, and will be taking these conventions to use when I get to making my own opening sequence!


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