Title Research: Nanny

Nanny (2022)
from www.artofthetitle.com

What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

The titles displayed in this opening sequence are the usual studio. Following, three different shots with fade in transitions, displaying the production companies names. Third, the directors names. After a short sequence featuring an actor, the title card is shown, then we cut back to the actor. 

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

Images prioritized in the opening sequence are the names of the studio, production, companies, director, and most of the title itself. This can be inferred by the fact that the title card came last after a sequence of an actor. It was shown alone, while the other names were shown together, connected by fade-out transitions. 

What connotations do these images carry?

The blue, cursive font relates to the ocean, which conveys feelings of peace and serenity. In the background we hear music that sounds oceany and aquatic, which doesn’t go in conjunction with the image of a spider crawling across a woman's face. This interesting mash of images creates feelings of uneasiness and curiosity, further alluring the audience into the film that will follow. 

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

This film establishes a feeling of the horror genre with its sequence of the actors. There is a slow zoom in from above of her face, a scary choice. A spider is shown crawling across her face, something many are afraid of her. Fear is established between the title and name cards. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

Off the start, audiences may be confused by the aquatic tone of the name cards in the beginning with its blue swirly font and oceany music. Horror fans would then may rest as they see images of a spider crawling across a woman’s face. Ensuring a scary and creepy film to come.

How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles,

transitions and editing techniques.

Technology was used effectively in editing of the actors sequence. The zoom in toward the woman's face with little movement created an uneasy tone, especially as it was filmed from an aerial shot above her face. We see her closely with a close-up shot, and the lack of other shots, which would give context, creates confusion.


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