Opening Sequence Storyboard

 Now presenting…my storyboard for the final task project.

Prior to creating this storyboard, I created my script, which you may have seen. That was focused more on dialogue and actors performance, while this storyboard further visualizes the project. Sketching this storyboard was something I’ve been looking forward to, as ideas of what I fully wanted my sequence to be were very muddled in my head. Finally putting pen to paper and getting a strong plan together has really helped me further visualize the project, and overall, I feel a lot more prepared to get to the final step: production! Before I get ahead of myself, I should go over each panel and explain what I was thinking of for my storyboard.

Not included in my storyboard: For the fifth panel, I don’t only want that door to open from that one high angle. Once we are moved to the hallway setting and the shot of the door cracked open is established, I want a shot change to smooth the transition into the bedroom setting. To do so, there will a very low angle shot, hardly angled upwards. With the camera on the ground, the subject will be shown cracking open the door further, letting the light shine in and the subject step forward. I think this choice will better help the audience understand where we are, and this shot plays into a convention of horror thriller films. Simply with the search of “door creaking open”, you can find hundreds of similar shots from other films in the genre. Example shown below!

Finally, the last panel shows the end of my sequence. After a transition from the creaking door shot, we will first get an tracking shot. The camera will follow the subject as she makes her way into the room, stepping with caution. There will then be a cut where the audience is now shown the face of the subject in an over the shoulder shot, from the front angle. It will be in a medium close up range, so just over the subjects shoulder, you can see the creature that her brother has become slowly crawl to his feet.

And done! Cut to black, with the title fading into the screen and music coming in. That is my storyboard explained in depth. Now that this has been done, I feel my plan for my sequence is pretty solid, and production should very much go smooth after this! Difficult and timely, sure, but smooth. I am looking forward to bringing my ideas into reality as I begin filming, and I will keep you updated as I go on, as always!


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