Final Changes

Today is the day that I have to make the final changes to my two-minute film project for my class. Essentially, this means applying all the feedback my friend Julie gave me in my previous blog! While a lot of their critiques were definitely valid, they were a bit to unrealistic for me to actually take. For example, this far into production I could never completely change my story and make it have more “meaning”. However, I can fix choppy editing, awkward cuts, and any other things they mentioned!

After receiving feedback from my friend Jane, I spent a lot of time working on improving the story and characters. I wanted to make sure that my film had a clear message and that the audience would be able to connect with the characters on a deeper level. You may be asking how I did this this far into the porous room process. And the answer was, even more reshoots! Bold, I know, but I felt it had to be done. I added in some very simple shots, one that only showed the character looking off into the distance. But I felt these 3 new shots I added in elevated the film and made that much more of a difference.

I also took Julie’s advice and added more music to the film. I went through my music library and found some tracks that I felt fit the tone and mood of the film. Of course, they were all free and copyright free. Unlike what my teacher suggested, the last thing I wanted to do was go through the approval project to use liscensed music.The added music really helped to create a more emotional impact and added depth to the film.

I also experimented with the camera angles and lighting, just like Julie suggested. I found some interesting shots that I had never thought of before and I think they really added to the overall visual appeal of the film.

After making all of these changes, I watched the film again and was really happy with the final result. It felt like a much more polished and complete project.

 Overall, this has been a really valuable learning experience for me. I've learned a lot about filmmaking and how to take constructive criticism and turn it into something positive. I'm excited to continue to improve and grow as a filmmaker in the future.

This two month long venture is finally over!


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