Finally Filming

The day has come, it is now time to film. I have spent weeks planning and visualizing my opening sequence. But now, it is time to put pen to paper, or rather, words into live-action The process has been both challenging and rewarding, and I am excited to share my experience.

Before filming, I had to do the actor's makeup to ensure that he looked the part. I spent time researching and practicing different techniques to create a realistic and believable look. That was earlier though, and now I got to do it all myself. It turned out just how I had hoped, achieving the undead effect I was going for. It was a challenge, but I was happy with the final result.

During filming, I had to be creative with the limited resources I had. I experimented with different angles and perspectives to create visual interest and used natural light to create a moody and atmospheric vibe. I also had to improvise and come up with solutions to problems as they arose. One was the ever-changing lighting. Once it had gotten gloomy I decided to just embrace it and continue filming. Later on, I realized the switch of lighting almost changes the tone, making the shots more ominous. What was once a problem, I turned into a positive!

As I was working with just one actor, I had to ensure that he was delivering a strong performance. I spent time directing him and providing feedback to help him get into character and convey the emotions that the scene required. Working with a relative proved difficult as he was often very unserious. This meant more outtakes, but eventually, I got shots I was happy with. Eventually.

Despite the challenges, filming the opening sequence was an exciting and fulfilling experience. I enjoyed the process of bringing my vision to life and seeing the scene come together.


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