Re-re Shoots

 As you may know from my previous blogs, I have been doing reshoots all throughout this production process. Before I even finished the script, I was eager to take some scenery and time-lapse shots to use in my opening sequence. But now that the final film has been shot, there are many things that need to be tweaked. And then there are some things that need to be completely redone. That is what this step in the process is for!

Fixing the angle of my phone on a makeshift tripod was a challenging task. I had to make sure that the camera is level and not tilted to the side. It was also important to check if the camera is positioned at the right height and distance from the subject. Any sudden movement or bump can knock the camera out of alignment, so it was essential to ensure that the camera is secure and stable. Between shots I often accidentally adjust the camera a few units to the side, making the next shot off. Now, I ensured that I was extra careful when handing the phone in any way. Then this time, before moving on, it was crucial to double-check the footage before moving on to the next shot to ensure that everything is properly framed and aligned. This was a mistake I made on the first filming day, which is obviously what lead to these re-shoots.

Filming a subject on an iPhone can be frustrating, especially when dealing with poor lighting conditions. The iPhone camera tends to struggle in low-light situations, resulting in grainy and blurry footage. Harsh or uneven lighting can also create unflattering shadows or overexposed areas in the shot. Adjusting the settings on the iPhone camera helped to improve the lighting, but it was time-consuming and required constant tweaking. I had to research tutorials on how to remove the automatic "HDR" setting that iPhones now take every photo with! However, I eventually worked it out and got the shots necessary to move forward.

Overall, the re-shoot process was a minor success. I feel many shots I was displeased with were just too ambitious, and in this re-shoot process I basically just toned them down a bit. They still need to be re-edited into the film, but I hope my sequence still looks how I'd like it to!


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