Peer Review

 Today, I showed my two-minute film project to my friend, Julie I was really nervous about it because I had put so much effort into it, and I really wanted her to like it, as well as get new advice on how to improve it before final submission.

At first, Jane seemed really interested in the film. She was focused on it and didn't say anything for the entire two minutes. When the film was over, she took a deep breath and looked at me with a serious expression on her face. She started off by saying that she thought the film was really well made. She complimented the cinematography, the editing, and the sound design. She said that I had a good eye for visuals and that I had clearly put a lot of thought into every shot.

However, she did have some constructive criticism for me. She said that she felt like the story was a bit weak and that she didn't really understand the point of the film. She suggested that I work on developing the characters more and giving them clearer motivations. It was a little late for that though!

She also suggested that I add more music to the film. She felt that the soundtrack was a bit sparse and that it could benefit from more music to create a more emotional impact. Julie also suggested that I try to experiment more with the camera angles and the lighting. She felt that I could have pushed the boundaries a bit more in terms of the visuals and that it would have added more interest to the film.

Overall, I really appreciated Julie’s feedback. It's always great to get an outside perspective on your work, especially from someone who is as knowledgeable about film as she is. I'm going to take her advice to heart and see if I can improve the film before I submit it for my class.

I'm glad that I showed my film to Julie, even though it was nerve-wracking. It's important to get feedback on your work, even if it's not always what you want to hear. I'm excited to take her advice and see if I can make my film even better.


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