Intro Blog

 And we’re back! This is this first blog for the new year, my intro. Except his time around I am now a junior, and I am in A-level. Not much has changed about me since last year, besides for the fact I am now facing the tribulations of junior year. I still love the same music artists (swiftie for life!) TV shows, and hobbies. This year I made the soccer team, which has been an amazing experience so far. Plus I got job over the summer, which I am still working. Two to three practices/games per week and four days of working has definitely taken a toll on me. The four AP classes I picked when I was feeling overconfident last year are also DEFINITELY not helping. Despite how busy I’ve been, junior year has honestly been just alright, with friends really being the only good part. 

 Taking this class was honestly an easy choice. Last year, media studies was absolutely my favorite class. Despite the C I got (thanks, I guess.) 

Looking foward to it every day, I just lived the work model of the class. How we get a loose guideline for an assignment, then the freedom to work that assignment how we want, when we want. It really took a load off against all the other difficult classes I was taking, and is doing the same this year. Honestly, I was not too proud of the work I turned in last year. I had a bit of a procrastination problem, so most work ended up being quite rushed and never want I wanted it to be. That js why I am excited for this year, because I am determined to do my very best and create all my work to the standard I wanted last year! I also think I am going to like how we are making just one video project, and doing marketing! Marketing was an aspect I wanted to explore last year so the fact it is such a large complement in this years final task makes me excited. Seeing last years examples of short films is making me so excited d to start working, so we’ll see where this all goes! 


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