Pitch Blog

    Here are my pitches for my short film final project. Though, most of these need to be workshopped. I have a lot of big ideas but working by myself, most of these are a bit too large scale, but I am aiming high for the production value of my project. Overall, I see many of these ideas changing in their final form but as for now, these are some of the interesting ideas for a short film I have come up with. 

Pitch A: Home alone at night, a girl receives mysterious calls alluding to the fact someone is watching her, and when she thinks she is finally safe, everything goes wrong. 

Pitch B: A group of friends tell a scary story about the mysterious place they are in, only for the end to reveal the “campfire story” was a real thing and not just a tall tale.

For Pitch A, I have a very clear idea of what I want to do. This concept will be inspired by the opening sequence of the original Scream movie. One of my favorite horror movies of all time, Scream pioneered a wavelength of horror films just like it, likely credited to its iconic opening scene. The mysterious caller will threaten the girl. They will tell details about her surroundings indicating she is being watched. Once she finally gets a hold of 911, an operator answers and asks what’s wrong. Suddenly, the operators voice deepens, and it’s revealed that the mysterious person intercepted the call. Suddenly, a noise is heard from inside the house, indicating the killer has come inside and the girl is done for. A simple concept, it’s something I can execute my own. It only requires one actor, and mostly still shots. So I can be the director and main character, giving myself more control.

Pitch B: less fleshed out, I don’t have too much of an idea for this pitch. I have the basic premise l, but what I do not know is what the scary story will be that will be revealed to be true. This idea will require a whole cats if actors and a unique setting for it to work, making it quite difficult to produce. For this reason. I will be likely going with my first pitch. 

Pitch A: Home alone at night, a girl receives mysterious calls alluding to the fact someone is watching her, and when she thinks she is finally safe, everything goes wrong. 


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