Group Blog- Teamwork! For the first assignment of the year, I am working with my classmate, 11th grader Sola! I decided to work in this group because I felt it would be interesting to collab with someone. Bouncing off of each other's thoughts and ideas, and working together to create new ones, will be a worthwhile experience. Along with just getting another perspective on the work you create. I feel there are so many things you can learn simply by just speaking to the people around you. Additionally, I think working with a partner can benefit me in other ways. Sometimes I can be a bit of a procrastinator, so having something to hold me accountable and work at my best always makes a difference. Looking back at the first day I walked into this class, I remember feeling somewhat overwhelmed. There were so many people, and not many I knew. Everyone already seemed to have people around them, and I was immediately nervous about any upcoming group work. It was then that I decided...