My Pitch

 For my media studies final task, my first ideas for pitches all had to do with the horror and thriller genre! Here is what I was thinking.

Pitch 1: A woman is seen preparing food, talking to someone else offscreen, when at the end it is revealed she is cooking human flesh.

This pitch is sort of similar to a movie Ive hear about, called Flesh. I want to do something horror related, so this is what I came up with. It would incorporate gore with the props of the food. I lot would be simple to film as the focus of the whole beginning would just be shots of food being cooked. I can really focus on getting nice sound and lighting since it would mostly be stationary. With sound I could slowly build tension and clue viewers into the fact that something is not right. The final reveal  would just me opening the fridge to reveal other body parts. As I open the doors, I can also do something cool for the title. It could appear behind the doors, or show i as I close the door and walk away.

Pitch 2: A girl is getting ready for school in the morning, constantly calling out to her brother, when at the end it is revealed he is a zombie.

Explaining this pitch in one sentence, it’s hard to make it sound logical. Again, another horror pitch, do you see a pattern? I have this idea for another horror pitch because with the horror genres, it is easy to create cliffhangers. Like the last pitch, the majority of the shoot will be simple shots of the girl getting ready. Focus will be on sound and lighting, but also slowly revealing cracks in the normality of the story. The girl will then open the door to reveal her brother was not responding because he was a zombie. Here is where I could insert the title and do something clever with the opening door. 

My chosen pitch is the second one. It is more unique as the first is something I was inspired to do by a movie. Excited to get to work on it!


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