Prepping Costumes

 Today was a more exciting day in the production process, as I got to researching and gathering materials for the costuming of my project. When it comes to costuming for my opening sequence, it will obviously all be very minimal. The main character will be wearing everyday clothing, and the only unique aspect of it will be the brother's makeup in the end. This was a challenging task as I had to make sure the makeup looked realistic and scary enough to bring this undead character to life.

To start, I researched different zombie makeup techniques and watched tutorials online to get some inspiration. The character will only be shown for a few shots in a dark setting. However, because this shot is the only one requiring makeup I feel it is immensely important I put some more effort into the look.

I was especially inspired by this shot from the television show The Walking Dead. This character is almost identical to my character's physical circumstances, so it will make sense that their makeup will be similar!

For the base, I will use white and gray cream makeup to create a pale and sickly complexion. I will also use a stippling sponge to create the appearance of decayed and peeling skin. To create the zombie's sunken eyes, I will use a combination of black and red eyeshadows and apply them in a circular motion around the eyes. I also will use liquid latex to create the appearance of wounds and scars on the face and neck. For the teeth, I will use a combination of black and red lipsticks to create a bloody and decayed look. Additionally, I will apply fake blood on the mouth and around the wounds to make the zombies look more menacing. To finish the look, I applied a layer of powder to set the makeup and make it look more realistic.

The clothing will be minimalistic, as the character has only been inside, not roaming the streets and getting worn.

That's about all! I have already acquired most of the products. The rest will be coming in the mail soon enough. More to come!


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